Top 10 TBR Challenge

For the month of March I took some of my most anticipated reads from my TBR and featured them on my Bookstagram. I am super excited to turn this into a blog post to share with even more people. To be honest this challenge was tough because I have over 100 physical books on my TBR and trying to narrow it down felt impossible! Lets see what made it on my list.

Top Ten TBR

Day One

I won this book in a giveaway a few months back and to be honest I had no clue how big this monster was! This book has so many pages and it is so intimidating sitting there on my shelf staring down at me.

I really want to read this one but the size alone just scares me, I feel like I will need to read this over a few months. I have also heard that the first half of the book is very confusing which worries me and makes me think it could end up as a DNF for me. However, I won’t know till I dive in!

Day Two

I bought this book the day it came out and it immediately went straight to my shelf. I have seen so many amazing reviews of this book but the big consensus is that it is an emotional rollercoaster! I just don’t know if my heart can handle an emotional read right now but when the day comes that I am in need of a good cry and heart tearing experience, this book will be their waiting for me.

Day Three

I read the first book in this series “Crave” back in December last year and instantly fell in love! I knew I had to get my hands on the rest of the series as soon as I could, and I did, my dad gave me the second and third book for Christmas and I would love to get to reading them but I am taking a small break from fantasy for a little bit so I can focus on the genres I know I love. I know this book will be in my near future it is just a matter of when.

Day Four

This is a book that I have had on my shelf for about a year and honestly I forget that it is there. I haven’t read a book by this author but I have heard some amazing things and so I really need to dive into this one as soon as I can find room for it in my busy reading schedule.

Day Five

I received this book from Book of the Month Club last year and It really intrigued me and sounded like a cute romantic book. I have a lot of romance books on my TBR but this is one that really sticks out to me. I also really like the cover, I would say that is what pulled me in at first.

Day Six

This is a book that has a New Years theme and with holidays I feel like I have to read the book around that time of the year. I tried to read it this year around New Years but I had just read a few romance books and felt burnt out so I had to put it down. Maybe I will get to it for 2023.

Day Seven

I found this book at a local goodwill for like three bucks, I couldn’t pass up an amazing deal like that! I had seen this book all over bookstagram so I knew for a deal I should grab it and give it a chance. However, I feel like I am not a big fantasy reader and that is why I keep pushing it back. It is a lot to commit to a full series! One day I will read this though!

Day Eight

I have actually read this book almost to the halfway mark and I put it down. I enjoyed what I was reading but during the time I was reading this book I just wasn’t in a place where a memoir was what I needed to read. I really love Gilmore Girls and she is one of my favorite parts of the show. This book really reads just like you are listening to her on TV which made this book really fun and engaging. My goal is to pick this up soon and finish the last half of the book.

Day Nine

When I first started my bookstagram I saw this all over the place so it got added to my TBR fairly quickly. I love the idea of a friend zone type book. I am so over Enemies to lovers so this sounds like a nice change of pace for me. The main reason why I haven’t read this book yet is because I have seen a few reviews that say the main character is a bit annoying so that has pushed this book back while I read other books. I am thinking this might be a good read for April, who knows!

Day Ten

This is one of the newest additions to my TBR from my Book of the Month subscription back in February. I have so many romance reads on my TBR but I feel like this is the front runner. This book sounds super cute and I am a real sucker for an LGBTQ read. I am so excited to dive into this one as soon as I possibly can!


This month has been a crazy month! I only read three books this month but made so many posts on my bookstagram and basically neglected my blog. I love this blog so much but when I don’t have a book to review I feel like I don’t have content. I also have been super busy with work and life so my time to write my blogs is few and far between. But I have some great content Ideas coming soon! I hope you all are looking forward to checking out my next blog posts. I love you all and I am very thankful for all my supporters!

QOTD: What is your most anticipated read?

Top 10 Christmas Gift Ideas For A Bookworm

Can you believe that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are a little over a week away? I can’t, this is so crazy to think that the year is already almost over! I figured now would be a better time than any to start (Dropping Hints) showing you all the best way to surprise your book loving friend or family member this holiday season.

Just a few reminders I do not own these pictures. Also I will post links to these items but I am not affiliated with amazon or any of the companies I get the links from. I just want to make it easy for everyone to track down these items. I suggest clicking on the Etsy links or small businesses before Amazon. Remember to try and shop small this year!

Gift Idea #1

TBR Cart and Cute Decals

I have been dying to get my hands on one of these carts! This probably at the top of my Christmas list this year. It is just so cute and practical that I think everyone needs one of these in their households.

The best part is the super cute decals you can buy for them! You can make these carts personal to you which I think makes this gift one of the best ones you could buy someone.

This is a great Etsy link for the cute picture above!

Book Carts are actually crafting carts but who said they had to be used for that purpose?

Gift Idea #2

Thumb Page Holders

I have had my eye on these page holders for a very long time! They can be resin or wood and come in so many cute designs! I highly suggest doing an Etsy search and find the best one for your bookish friend.

I think my personal favorites are the resin ones. I mean look at how cute that picture is! Every resin pour comes out different but it is also so easy to customize!

See the Main post picture as well
Simple wood design

The more unique shapes

Gift Idea #3


I am obsessed with candles! I always have one burning in my house or at least a Scentsy going in my office while I work.

I know setting the ambiance of the room when you sit down to read makes or breaks a good reading session. In no particular order; find a comfy spot, get a glass of wine or your preferred beverage, grab a fluffy blanket, and of course light your favorite candle.

When I don’t have a good setting for my reading I get so distracted and my reading session honestly ends up pretty short. I will talk more about ambiance and comfort items a little later on in a different post. Also maybe I am just strange and most people could just sit straight down and read but I personally can’t. Even if you can read anywhere and anytime who doesn’t need a good smelling candle in their life?

Down below will be a link for an Etsy shop that I have seen everywhere for bookish scented candles. I have been dying to try these because I have heard so many wonderful things about their business. I will be putting my order in soon!

Fresh Rain-Ginger-Lavender

Coffee-Chocolate Pastry


Gift Idea #4

Book Stamp/Embosser

Do you or your bookish friend have a book that you absolutely love and will never get rid of? Better yet, do you and your friends lend each other books? If so, this is the perfect gift!

With this stamp you will be able to always keep track of whose book is whose!

Etsy has hundreds of different stamps and embossers to choose from but this is one that I think is super cute! Remember these can be customized!

Gift Idea #5

Reading Pillow

I know that while I read it is very easy to get into an uncomfortable position and that can be one of my main reasons to stop reading for the night.

A reading pillow is a great way to stay comfortable and honestly can you ever have too many pillows?

I don’t have one of these yet and I am regretting it!

Gift Idea #6

Favorite Book Merch

Even if you know nothing about books I guarantee you know your best friends favorite book. They are probably constantly trying to get you to read this book, constantly talking about the book or they probably already have some of the merch related to their favorite book. Check out these super cute Esty shops Full of cute bookish merch!

Same shop for the picture posted above.

Gift Idea #7

Book Scratch Off Poster

This is a super fun and interactive gift that will just keep giving for the rest of the year!

Being someone who can never decide on what book to read next, something like this would come in handy! I also really love surprises and scratching off things.

There are so many options out there for these but this is the one that caught my eye.

Gift Idea #8

Book Ends

Anyone who owns a book knows how hard it is too keep your books organized and looking pretty. I have books just stacked on top of each other on my dresser because my shelves are so full! Having some book ends would be a dream come true to anyone like me.

Gift Idea #9

Special Editions of Favorite Books

I love that there are so many different covers for books! I think most of them are so gorgeous. I know a lot of people who own three or four of their favorite book just to have a couple different covers. A lot of the limited or special release books come out for specific reasons like special anniversaries, so to someone who is a die hard fan of a book these are a big deal!

Gift Idea #10

Kindle Products

If you have a little bit of cash to burn and you are wanting to be the best gift giver this year, you can not go wrong in getting them a new Kindle product!

EReaders are such a popular item these days and I know how much I love my Kindle Paper White. I couldn’t imagine not having it.

Wrap Up

This Christmas, treat all your bookish loving friends and family to some of the best gifts out there! These are all in my opinion some of the best gifts you could receive this holiday season. I know a lot of these are at the top of my Wishlist! I hope you all enjoyed this list and I hope I was able to give you some good ideas.

QOTD: What is at the top of your Wishlist this year?

Top 10 Tuesday: Summer 2021 TBR

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly blog hosted by Jana over at

I recently found her blog today actually and thought I would try this out!

I have never really stuck to an actual TBR hopeful list even for a certain month let alone a whole summer. My TBR list is honestly gigantic and I will probably never be able to complete it in a lifetime especially as it grows! Picking only ten might be a bit of a challenge but here goes nothing!

Where The Crawdads Sing

Author: Delia Owens

This is actually my current read for my book club. This has been a very anticipated read for me since I started reading so I was very excited when I found out this was going to be our June read. So far it has a nice summer vibe to it with a hint of mystery. It is everything I am searching for in a good summer read.

One Last Stop

Author: Casey McQuiston

I received this one in my June BOTM box and I picked it because June is Pride month! I really am hoping to get this one done before June is over so my fingers are crossed. I read Casey McQuiston’s previous book Red’ White and Royal Blue a few months back and absolutely loved it so I have some high hopes for this book!

Your Perfect Year

Author: Charlotte Lucas

This book was a gift from a secret sister gift exchange that I participated in and it sounds absolutely adorable! Who doesn’t love a good romance novel in summer?

What Comes After

Author: Joanne Tompkins

This book is Described as a Moving novel that takes you through a mystery of a town who lost two boys. This book sounds like a major tear jerker and sometimes I feel like you just need a book that will tug at your heart strings.

Six of Crows

Author: Leigh Bardugo

The next two books are fantasy novels. I have never really been a fantasy reader, however, I am trying to push my reading preference and try new things. With the new TV series on Netflix that just came out I really want to read this book so I can watch the tv series and not spoil anything.

The House on The Cerulean Sea

Author: TJ Klune

I have seen this book quite literally everywhere recently and I feel like that is my main reason for wanting to read this book. Like I said before I also want to broaden my genres a bit and this is a whimsical and magical book that just catches my eye.

The Maidens

Author: Alex Michaelides

The author for this books early release sent out two copies to each person asking them to put the extra book into a little free library close to them in hopes more people would find and read his book. In my opinion this was such a smart tactic! When I saw all the posts of people finding his book I had to go on the hunt however I didn’t find it near me in Utah so I waited till BOTM came out with it as an option and Immediately added it to my collection.

The Guncle

Author: Steven Rowley

First of all, how cute is this cover? If the cover didn’t catch your eye well then maybe the synopsis will. When a famous gay sitcom star has a family tragedy he ends up watching his niece and nephew for a bit longer than normal and has to figure out real fast how to set rules and become a real guardian. Such a fun and cute idea that I can not wait to dive into!

The FlatShare

Author: Beth O’leary

I also received this book from my secret sister book swap that I participated in. This book sounds so interesting! Two people share a one bedroom flat which means just one bed and yet they have never met due to conflicting schedules…. Hmmm strange if you ask me! I can’t wait to see how this book ends up!

My Husbands Wife

Author: Jane Corry

I picked this book up at my local discount store not knowing anything about but just liking the cover. They say never to judge a book by the cover but yet here I am haha.

I can almost guarantee that these books will change throughout the summer based on my mood, however, as of right now, these are the books I am hoping to read.

Have you read any of these books? Are any of these on your summer TBR lists? Let me know what you think!

Photo credit: Google