Book Review: “Part of Your World” By Abby Jimenez

I have had this book on my physical TBR since it came out in 2022. I have heard a lot of great things about this book but I just felt that it had to be over hyped but man oh man was I wrong! I really wish I would have read this book sooner.

“Grace costs you nothing”

Abby Jimenez, Part of Your World

About The Book

Author: Abby Jimenez

Publisher: Forever Publishing

Published Date: April 19th, 2022

Page count: 400 Pages

Main Genres: Romance

GoodReads Rating: 4.3

Format: Audio

“When you don’t care, everything’s on your terms. They can take it or leave it. It doesn’t matter to you, so ask for whatever the hell you want.”

Abby Jimenez, Part of Your World


After a wild bet, gourmet grilled-cheese sandwich, and cuddle with a baby goat, Alexis Montgomery has had her world turned upside down. The cause: Daniel Grant, a ridiculously hot carpenter who’s ten years younger than her and as casual as they come—the complete opposite of sophisticated city-girl Alexis. And yet their chemistry is undeniable.

While her ultra-wealthy parents want her to carry on the family legacy of world-renowned surgeons, Alexis doesn’t need glory or fame. She’s fine with being a “mere” ER doctor. And every minute she spends with Daniel and the tight-knit town where he lives, she’s discovering just what’s really important. Yet letting their relationship become anything more than a short-term fling would mean turning her back on her family and giving up the opportunity to help thousands of people.

Bringing Daniel into her world is impossible, and yet she can’t just give up the joy she’s found with him either. With so many differences between them, how can Alexis possibly choose between her world and his?

Synopsis from GoodReads


Rating: 5 out of 5.


I am so happy that I listened to this book via Audio. The narration was done by both a female and male voice for the different chapter POV’s. The narrators were probably what made this five stars if I am honest with you. Which is funny because I rarely give audio books 5 stars let alone review them because I struggle to pay attention but again the narrators really pulled me into the book and in the end I was glued.

I really loved both of our main characters. They kept saying how their lives don’t fit together and how the relationship could never work because of it. Yes, they have very different lives but the basic foundation of their lives are very similar which made it easy to see them together. Surprisingly the one thing that I struggled with at the start was just how perfect the male lead was, this man could never do anything wrong but I was oddly ok with this as the book went on.

A lot of the issues that came up in the book felt like they had pretty obvious answers but still took the whole book for them to be resolved. I think this was my one issue with the book but at the same time it was pretty easy to look past and get over. This is mostly because the things holding our main character back in the grand scheme of things had some difficult repercussions.

This book was so much better that I had originally thought it would be and I am very grateful for this. I needed a cute and light romance read to keep me company while Noah was in New York.

“Love follows you. It goes where you go. It doesn’t know about social divides or distance or common sense. It doesn’t even stop when the person you love dies. It does what it wants.”

Abby Jimenez, Part of Your World

QOTD: Who is your Auto-buy Romance Author?

“It’s amazing how someone can touch you, even if you only know them for a moment in time. How they can change you, alter you indelibly.”

Abby Jimenez, Part of Your World

Book Review: “Funny Story” By Emily Henry

This book has been one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 right behind Casey McQuiston’s upcoming Novel “The Pairing” which comes out this August. Both authors are auto buy authors for me. None of their romance books have ever let me down with the lowest rating for both authors being a 4.5.

I have also been in a huge slump this year. I have read 25 books which is amazing but nothing has been a 5 star read which has been honestly pretty sad and hasn’t really gotten me excited to read. I made a blog post last week about my Five Star Predictions with Funny Story being number one on that list. Let me tell you this book did not disappoint!

“I was never the one just having fun. I was the one anticipating consequences.”

― Emily Henry, Funny Story

About The Book

Author: Emily Henry

Publisher: Berkley

Published Date: April 23rd, 2024

Page Count: 400 Pages

Main Genres: Romance, Contemporary

GoodReads Rating: 4.44


Daphne always loved the way her fiancé Peter told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his lakeside hometown to begin their life together. He really was good at telling it…right up until the moment he realized he was actually in love with his childhood best friend Petra.

Which is how Daphne begins her new story: Stranded in beautiful Waning Bay, Michigan, without friends or family but with a dream job as a children’s librarian (that barely pays the bills), and proposing to be roommates with the only person who could possibly understand her predicament: Petra’s ex, Miles Nowak.

Scruffy and chaotic—with a penchant for taking solace in the sounds of heart break love ballads—Miles is exactly the opposite of practical, buttoned up Daphne, whose coworkers know so little about her they have a running bet that she’s either FBI or in witness protection. The roommates mainly avoid one another, until one day, while drowning their sorrows, they form a tenuous friendship and a plan. If said plan also involves posting deliberately misleading photos of their summer adventures together, well, who could blame them?

But it’s all just for show, of course, because there’s no way Daphne would actually start her new chapter by falling in love with her ex-fiancé’s new fiancée’s ex…right?

Synopsis from GoodReads


Rating: 5 out of 5.

“It’s easy to be loved by the ones who’ve never seen you fuck up. The ones you’ve never had to apologize to, and who still think all your ‘quirks’ are charming.”

― Emily Henry, Funny Story


I like to go into my books basically blind. Meaning i don’t know much if anything about the synopsis of a book before I dive in. Could this be self sabotage? I suppose it leads to that sometimes, But most of the time I find that a book holds my interest more if I don’t already know the direction it will be going in. I state this because I had no clue this is a fake dating book until my boyfriend read the synopsis and just started laughing. It is a running joke in my house that I am just attracted to fake dating tropes as almost every romance book I blindly purchase ends up being fake dating.

For the first time in awhile I actually didn’t find any of the main characters annoying which was a huge shock to me! I have just been finding a lot of main characters in romance books very unlikeable and unrelatable which makes it really hard to finish the book. In fact, this book was more relatable than I thought it would be.

I really enjoyed the serious conversations directed towards dysfunctional families and the healing that comes after. A lot of the main characters faults came from their childhood traumas that they endured and that felt really refreshing. Especially because they could both relate to one another and give advice and reassurance when needed. But at the same time they both experienced different challenges growing up so they may not have always had the best advice but it was nice to know that they had someone to lean on.

This book really hit all the big relationship groups family, friends, lovers and it was written very well! Especially the friendship subplot. It really focused on how hard it can be to make friends as an adult but even just in life in general. One key take away with this is not to judge a book by its cover. She did just that with her friend in the book and it overall took them a year to connect even though they worked at the same place. It is a nice reminder that everyone is going through their own things and just starting a deeper conversation can truly open up a whole new side of a person you may have not had the chance to see until you have actually tried making that connection.

The best part about this book was the slow burn! I was so positive things would escalate quickly between the main characters but every time they got close it would immediately cool down, it kept me hooked into the story for sure!

Typically in books I don’t like the third act conflict as they feel redundant and just overall ridiculous and end up making the book lose its five star rating. With this book I had no issues with the third act conflict and I was shocked! I actually kind of agreed with the issue at hand and I think it was handled really well! In fact it is one of the reasons her friendship ends up working out in the end.

Overall I am so happy with this book! Emily Henry pulled me out of a horrible slump and I am not surprised. I highly recommend reading at least one of her books, if not this one, maybe try “Book Lovers”.

“Trust people’s actions, not their words. Don’t love anyone who isn’t ready to love you back. Let go of the people who don’t hold on to you. Don’t wait on anyone who’s in no rush to get to you.”

Emily Henry, Funny Story

QOTD: Should I rank Emily Henry’s Books? This may require a re-read but I am not opposed.

“You can’t force a person to show up, but you can learn a lesson when they don’t”

Emily Henry, Funny Story

Book Review: “Dungeons and Drama” By Kristy Boyce

This book was Mostly just a cover buy, I normally don’t love the look of covers that have people on them even if it is a cartoon drawing but the bright pink and over all esthetic of this cover really pulls you in. My boyfriend also really loves DND and I really love musicals so this just felt like the perfect book for me to pick up.

“I decided having something fake with you was better than having nothing at all. I would have faked it forever rather than give you up.”

Kristy Boyce, Dungeons and Drama

About The Book

Author: Kristy Boyce

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Published Date: January 9th, 2024

Page Count: 304 Pages

Main Genres: Romance, YA, Contemporary

GoodReads Rating: 4.23

Format: Physical Book


Musical lover Riley has big aspirations to become a director on Broadway. Crucial to this plan is to bring back her high school’s spring musical, but when Riley takes her mom’s car without permission, she’s grounded and stuck with the worst punishment: spending her after-school hours working at her dad’s game shop.

Riley can’t waste her time working when she has a musical to save, so she convinces Nathan—a nerdy teen employee—to cover her shifts and, in exchange, she’ll flirt with him to make his gamer-girl crush jealous.

But Riley didn’t realize that meant joining Nathan’s Dungeons & Dragons game…or that role playing would be so fun. Soon, Riley starts to think that flirting with Nathan doesn’t require as much acting as she would’ve thought…

Synopsis From GoodReads


Rating: 4 out of 5.


As a reminder mild spoilers may be ahead.

Despite this being a cover buy, I did actually read this for a potential buddy read in February and I was shocked at how quickly I actually flew through this one.

I will be the first to admit that the first 50-75 pages of this book were beyond boring and I was close to DNF’ing the book before I hit that mark. Once I did hit 50 ish to 75 ish pages I read it in one sitting! So it does pick up pace I promise.

I don’t know what it is but the main girl characters in books lately have all just been a tad bit annoying to me. I am not sure if this is a me problem or if authors just like writing annoying female leads. Riley is quite head strong and she will do anything she can to make the musical happen for her school which is great but honestly I cared more about the dungeons and dragons story line more than the musical aspect of this book. I love that she picked a bard as her DND character as it does fit her really well, and again this is a me problem, but I really hated that she was actually singing broadway songs during the campaign. Again, I know this is who she is and there is honestly nothing wrong with it but I personally could never and in my mind the songs had nothing to do with the game or the situation she was needing them for so in my mind it was just cringey and showboaty.

Kind of along the same lines as above, Riley literally is the whole reason this school musical happens which is great, girl bossing. But it just felt so unrealistic, the teacher literally said you will have to do this on your own, like excuse me? I have never been in theater so I am truly not an expert on the topic and I did come from a school that was number one in state drama comps so my school was seriously into their theater shows and theres no way that the student body could have pulled this off, maybe it is different in a smaller school but again It all feels too perfect in my eyes.

Now, let’s talk about the romance. I love a good fake dating trope and I really loved Nate! I knew as soon as Nate walked into the scene I would have no issues with him. Sure he is pining for another girl but you can quickly tell he has more interest in Riley than anyone else but he is just too awkward to come out and say that. I do think our characters had chemistry with each other and I am pleased with the way the book ended things. I felt like our third act conflict was a tad annoying but I also think that about most conflicts in romance books.

I know this maybe sounds like a negative review but honestly I am just being nit-picky. After all I devoured this book in one sitting because I was truly invested in this fake dating even if everyone knew they were fake dating but Sophia. I love a good jealousy plot after all.

If you have this book on your radar I do suggest giving it a chance. It’s a super light and quick read that you can knock off your list, so why not?

QOTD: How do you feel about YA books?

Book Review: “Flawless” By Elsie Silver

At this point in the year I have read 17 books and it is only the beginning of March! I truly hope this streak continues, but with that said I am quite behind on reviews as I haven’t posted any since January. Will I catch up on all of them? Probably not but now I have some back up reviews to fall onto if needed.

I honestly had no desire to pick this book/series up. Sure I have heard quite a few good things about it but I haven’t really been feeling romance books as of late. However, I met a new friend and she wanted to read something together and this was one that we could agree on and to say I devoured it would be an understatement.

“You were out there this whole time, and now I know you exist, and I can never go back. Wouldn’t want to if I could.”

Elsie Silver, Flawless

About The Book

Author: Elsie Silver

Publisher: Bloom Books

Published Date: June 24th, 2022

Page Count: 400

Main Genres: Sports Romance, contemporary

GoodReads Rating: 4.01

Format: Physical Book

“I’m tired of doing what I should and ignoring what I want. And what I want is you. Inside me. All around me. I want you with me. And I want to be the only one.”

Elsie Silver, Flawless


The rules were simple. Keep my hands off his daughter and stay out of trouble.

But now I’m stuck with her. There’s only one bed. And well, rules are made to be broken.

I’m the face of professional bull riding—the golden boy. Or at least I was, until it all blew up in my face. Now my agent says I have to clean up my image, so I’m stuck with his ball-busting daughter for the rest of the season as my “full-time supervision.”

But I don’t need a goddamn babysitter, especially one with skin-tight jeans, a sexy smirk, and a mouth she can’t stop running.

A mouth I can’t stop thinking about.

Because Summer isn’t just another conquest. She sees the man behind the mask, and she doesn’t run—she pulls me closer, even when she shouldn’t.

She says this means nothing.

I say this means everything.

She says there are boundaries we shouldn’t cross. That my reputation can’t take any more hits—and neither can her damaged heart.

I say I’m going to steal it anyway.

Synopsis From GoodReads



Rating: 3.5 out of 5.


As me and my friend were wandering Barns and Noble we realized quickly that we seem to have different tastes in books which there is nothing wrong with. But she leans more towards fantasy and far away from thrillers. Where I am a thriller girly and have only recently tried dipping my toe into fantasy. The safest option for us to buddy read was a romance. While debating what book to pick we had at least 5 people come up to us and recommend this series. So this is for all five of you who said we wouldn’t regret picking this up. (P.S.) While I write this my friend hasn’t even started the book… OOPS…

Do I regret reading this book? No, absolutely not. Did I adore it just as much as everyone else? Well… That’s also a no, but based on the Average GoodReads rating I fell just below the average person in enjoyment, that is not too bad in my opinion.

When I first read the back of the book and found out this was about a Bull Rider I wasn’t all that interested. Look I am from a small country town but the rodeo was not a scene I particularly enjoyed. But for this being about Bull Riding we really didn’t read too much about that particular aspect, Sure we read a few quick paragraphs about his rides but once the comps were over it dove more into small town country life so it really wasn’t in my face as much as I thought it would be which pleasantly surprised me.

I read this book in practically one sitting meaning I read 75% in one day which is extremely quick for me! This is a super fluffy quick read that doesn’t take much, if any, brain power. I would rate the spice at like a 2/5, so there wasn’t too much spice compared to other books I have read but my oh my the pining was so good! The first spicey scene wasn’t till at least half way so we really got to get to know the characters and see them fall for each other which really helped this books rating on my side of things.

I do think these characters made a good couple. I really like that we start of with an uptight main character and get to watch her slowly let go of the “reins” Haha see what I did there? The character development was probably one of my favorite parts of this book.

The biggest issue I had with this book is that we had quite a few side characters but didn’t get a lot of information on them and this is of course because they get their own books later down the line and Elsie can’t spoil anything for their stories. In a way this made me excited to pick up the other books but also left me with burning questions that made it hard to to care about their characters and the roles they play in the main characters lives. I just felt a lack of connection to some of these side characters that hindered this book in its own way. I have heard the series only gets better as you go and I can now understand why.

Do I recommend this book? Sure, if you are interested then go for it but if you are on the edge then I would say you can skip it.

Will I continue this series? Well the second is already in my amazon shopping cart so yeah I will probably continue but only because I am into hockey romances at the moment and “Powerless” is just that!

“If this were my last moment alive, how would I want it to be?”

Elsie Silver, Flawless

QOTD: What Romance Series are you obsessed with?

Book Review: “Ruthless Vows” By Rebecca Ross

Divine Rivals was up for the running for my top books of 2023 so I was beyond excited to start the second and final book in this series. We read Divine Rivals as my book club pick for November so we decided to read Ruthless Vows as Buddy read and me and my friends had a blast discussing this.

This is a second and final book in a duology so there may be spoilers ahead, proceed with caution if you haven’t read Divine Rivals.

“Their souls weren’t mirrors but complements, constellations that burned side by side.”

Rebecca Ross, Ruthless Vows

About The Book

Author: Rebecca Ross

Publisher: Wednesday Books

Published Date: December 26th, 2023

Page Count: 432 Pages

Main Genres: Fantasy, Romance

GoodReads Rating: 4.31

Format: Physical Book

“For anyone who sought a different realm through a wardrobe door, Who wrote a letter and is still waiting for a reply, Or who dreams of stories and bleeds words.”

Rebecca Ross, Ruthless Vows


Two weeks have passed since Iris Winnow returned home bruised and heartbroken from the front, but the war is far from over. Roman is missing, and the city of Oath continues to dwell in a state of disbelief and ignorance. When Iris and Attie are given another chance to report on Dacre’s movements, they both take the opportunity and head westward once more despite the danger, knowing it’s only a matter of time before the conflict reaches a city that’s unprepared and fracturing beneath the chancellor’s reign.

Since waking below in Dacre’s realm, Roman cannot remember his past. But given the reassurance that his memories will return in time, Roman begins to write articles for Dacre, uncertain of his place in the greater scheme of the war. When a strange letter arrives by wardrobe door, Roman is first suspicious, then intrigued. As he strikes up a correspondence with his mysterious pen pal, Roman will soon have to make a decision: to stand with Dacre or betray the god who healed him. And as the days grow darker, inevitably drawing Roman and Iris closer together…the two of them will risk their very hearts and futures to change the tides of the war.

Synopsis From Goodreads


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


Before you start reading this review I highly recommend reading my Divine Rivals Review. I also want to point out that their will be spoilers in this review so read at your own risk.

This book picked off only two weeks after the ending events of Divine Rivals so we really don’t miss anything and just jump right on in. I really appreciated this as I was worried we would have a time jump and would be going back and fourth on timelines but this was really straight forward and we quickly got into the action.

I really think this book could have been broken into two books. We receive so much information and have so many big things happen in the first half that at that half way point I was just mentally exhausted to the point where I took a few days off of reading to hype myself back up. I am not saying this as a bad thing though. Yes we had a ton of info thrown at us but it was all much needed information, I really don’t think Rebecca could have taken anything out to lighten it up a bit and I don’t know that I would want that in the first place. I just think we could have had two books because of the total amount of events and information and stretched this series out a bit longer because I need more of these characters! Another plus for it being so action packed was that it really did make reading this book fly by! It was truly unput downable (If you don’t count my mental exhaustion break lol).

I absolutely love that we got to see them write more letters back and fourth to each other. I was a bit worried this wouldn’t happen but looking back that feels like a silly thing to worry about seeing how the letters are such a huge factor into their relationship. Speaking of their relationship I have some thoughts… I want, no actually, I need more! By the end of the first book we had just barely fell in love with them before they tragically got ripped apart and in this one we did see their relationship grow but the epilogue left me wanting to know about their lives after. I really want to see them through to the end.

Can we talk about the way I literally was screaming when he found her in that wardrobe! The moment he remembered her and then had to immediately send her away and then watch her get shot at! My Heart! I was just rooting for them the whole time and truly did not want to see anything go wrong for these two, and man oh man did they find themselves in some incredibly sticky situations! This book kept me on my toes!

I will always recommend this series to people, especially those who are newer to fantasy just like me.

“Write me a story where there is no ending, Kitt. Write to me and fill my empty spaces.”

Rebecca Ross, Ruthless Vows

QOTD: What was the first Fantasy Series you ever read all the way through?

2023 Book Superlatives

2023 was not the best reading year for me but I also didn’t do to terrible either. I read a lot of graphic novels and manga though and I really did enjoy most everything I read so overall I am pretty happy with my year. I think reading 55 books is my max goal for at least this year if not even for 2025 but I guess we shall see!

Fun Stats

My Goal: 57/55 Books Read


Lighthearted, Funny and Adventurous I guess are the three words that can describe my reading year for 2023. I think this is because I read a bit of cozy Fantasy and also a lot of Easy Manga and Graphic Novels which were all pretty lighthearted.

Main Genres

This list makes me think I have diverse reading tastes but that couldn’t be farther from the case. I did read a lot more fantasy than I would typically read, however I am still surprised that it tied with Manga! Thriller and Horror are also a lot lower than I expected, I plan on reading a lot more thrillers and horrors in 2024 for sure.


I am really happy with my format ratios. I would like to read more audio and digital books but overall this looks better than previous years. 2024 is going to be my digital era, I am calling it now!

Most Read Authors

Tatsuya Endo is the author for the Spy Family Manga Series and I read 9 of those! For sure am not surprised by this list.

Page Number

This feels pretty typical to me as I try to stay away from books that have more than 500 pages. Maybe this should be a goal of mine in 2024.


Not surprised by this at all seeing how I mostly read short books this year that I flew through! I hardly read any books that were really drug out, thank heavens.


This is one of my biggest goals for 2024, I really want to start reading more nonfiction reads, whether this is memoirs, self-help or even just general nonfiction. I feel hungry for knowledge this year.


This Average Rating blows my mind, 4.31 is really high! But again I read so many short and cozy books that it was hard to not give everything 5 stars. I honestly am trying to get tighter with my ratings so I don’t expect this many 5 stars in one year for awhile.

Book of the Year

This is probably the biggest surprise of 2023 for me.  Before I read this book I couldn’t have ever guessed I was going to read it let alone LOVE it! I’m not a huge fantasy reader so I was scared to pick this one up along with the huge amount of hype surrounding it, I just had no desire to read it. But then came along and she somehow convinced me to read this one before Iron Flame was released and I can’t thank her enough for introducing me to this world!

Make sure to read my Review for both Fourth Wing and Iron Flame

Top 5

These are my top 5 Books in no particular order and not including my Book of the Year

Top 5 Graphic Novels/Manga


Favorite Book Club Read

“Divine Rivals” By Rebecca Ross

This was a hard one to pick a winner for because my book club genuinely read quite a few fantastic books this year but this is the one that I had the most fun reading and doing the live show for.

Make sure to check out my book club @bais.reading.corner we have some amazing books planned for the new year!

Best Dressed (Prettiest Cover)

“Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” By Gabrielle Zevin

This cover is honestly so gorgeous! I have the Book of the Month copy which is exactly what you see here but I am so jealous of the people who have the paperback, as from what I have seen, the cover is holographic! Just Gorgeous!

Least Favorite Book

“Penpal” By Dathan Auerbach

Oh man, I had some really high hopes for this book and it truly fell flat. I normally don’t rate books I haven’t finished but I made it like 80% of the way through before I decided I had had enough so I am going to rate this one star. If you liked this book I envy you cause I tried so hard!

Favorite Blog Post

“Iron Flame” By Rebecca Yarros

I devoured this book and really got sucked into the hype and all of the what if’s for the future of this series. This review took me literally 8 hours to write but I had so much fun and to this date is my best review view wise.

A Book That Surprised Me

“Babel” By R.F. Kuang

I rated this book 4 stars and honestly I didn’t have that high of hopes for it as this is not a genre I would typically go for along with the fact that it was so long and felt “Educational” . Overall very happy with this book! The audio was amazing for it as well.

Most Likely To Make You Swoon

“A Cat Cafe Christmas” By Codi Gary

This was the last romance I read this year and it was seriously so cute! The romance was a little bit of a slow burn but while you wait for them to click you get to fall in love with all the cute kitties! This is the perfect setting for a swoon worthy Book.

An Overhyped Book

“The Writing Retreat” By Julia Bartz

Before I picked up this book I was hearing so many great reviews from booktubers I truly love and typically have similar taste’s too so I was so excited to pick this one up. Guys…This book was a major flop and not worth your time! The twists weren’t even that good TBH. I suppose it wasn’t even worth a review because I never wrote one haha.

Spiciest Book

“Icebreaker” By Hannah Grace

I went into this book pretty much blind, I knew there was spice but I really thought I would get more time out on the ice but I got mostly bed scenes. I still liked this book but honestly I could have used more plot and less sex lol but to each their own.

A Book That I Wish I Read In 2023

“In The Lives Of Puppets” By TJ Klune

This book has been on my radar since it was announced. I have no clue why I haven’t picked this one up yet as it has been on my shelf since it came out. However, I have heard it isn’t his best work which I guess makes me push it off cause he is one of my favorite authors to date.

Overall I am very happy with my 2023 reading. I met all the goals I had set up for myself so that makes me even more excited for 2024. I can’t wait to see how well this next year goes. Thank you for all the support I have gotten this past year and all of the friendships I have made. Here’s to another fantastic year!