One Year Blogging Anniversary

Today marks exactly one year since my first blog post was released! I read somewhere when I was starting that most bloggers don’t make it past the three month mark (Don’t Quote me because now I can’t find where I heard this). But reaching the three moth mark was my only goal starting this blog and now here I am, a whole year later, still making blog posts!

I am excited to share my journey with you today and I encourage you to check out some of my links that I share. I will post my Bookstagram and any related blog posts for you if you are interested in seeing more of what I do!

I also have a Buy Me a Coffee link and an Amazon Wishlist if you would like to check those out as well.

My Story

My story starts when I was young, I used to HATE reading when I was younger. It  just never made sense to me why people would choose to sit down and read words off of something that felt endless, instead of playing sports, videogames or really anything else in the world. I remember being forced to read books in junior high and high school such as; Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird and Jane Eyre. I truly believe this led me down a deeper hole of hatred. I just feel when you are forced to do something it can ruin your perspective on those things. 

Jump to July 2020, mid pandemic, I had just moved into a new home with my boyfriend who worked long nights. Being cooped up in a new home all alone was really starting to get to me and so I was searching for new hobbies to keep me occupied. While scrolling through Facebook I stumbled across an ad for Book of the Month Club (Not Sponsored) and it peaked my interest! Paying a monthly fee of $15.99 for a book credit and $9.99 for each add on sounded like a steal and let me tell you, it was! I dedicate getting back into reading to BOTM. Cheap, affordable, good quality books that helped me step out of my comfort zone and start an obsession. Now I have an endless TBR pile that will continue to grow and a bookstagram that keeps me on track! 


I have been on Bookstagram for about a year and a half now and I have made so many amazing bookish friends, created this blog, became an ambassador for a few companies and even had the chance to interview a few authors! This has been a crazy experience but I wouldn’t change a thing!

I have so many ideas for the future of this blog including more posts, Bookish Merch and author spotlights. All of these things will hopefully be coming soon starting with more posts each week in July! As for the author spotlights I would like to start reading one Indie book each month and really spotlight that book and author and maybe even try and get interviews with the authors each month. I am not sure when this will start but I would love some Indie book recommendations so I can start putting this together.

Fun Facts

As of today I have 95 total followers on my Blog

In the 6 months my blog was running in 2021 I had over 2,000 Views and 488 total likes

My Book stack for a cause to save the bees was my most viewed post

My favorite blog post was about My Greatest Accomplishment

My Favorite Book Review was “It Ends With Us” By Colleen Hoover

I would like to thank all of my followers here on the blog and also on Bookstagram for supporting me in this amazing journey. Every like and share or even just a click on a link makes me so happy! I love seeing how much this blog has grown over the past year and I can’t wait to see what happens in the coming years as well. Please don’t be a stranger, my DM’s are always open and I love talking about books and pretty much everything else, so lets be friends! Here’s too many more years of blogging!

QOTD: What are some of your hobbies other than reading?


  1. Happy 1 year blogiversary!! Here’s to many more years to come!! I don’t know that this would be considered a hobby but I love doing my nails. I have a decent sized nail polish collection 2nd to my collection of books. I find giving myself a manicure to be relaxing. I literally either listen to music or an audiobook while I’m doing my nails and just zone out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. worldofbai says:

      Thank you! I have recently started to paint my nails but I really suck at it haha.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I used to suck at it as well until I started watching YouTube videos about it.


  2. congratulations! here’s to more milestones in the upcoming months and years. reading is my entire personality trait at the moment haha. but some other hobby would definitely be music. i play guitar and sometimes sing hehe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. worldofbai says:

      Thank you! I also love singing! Honestly reading is also my whole personality.


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